1 I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog(s) while my dog(s) is/are in the care of the centre and release the centre of any liability arising from my dog’s attendance and participation at the day-care / boarding facility.
2 I recognise that there are inherent risks of illness or injury when animals are allowed to be in close contact with one another. Such risks include, but are not limited to, problems resulting from rough play and kennel cough. Bow Wow will isolate dogs which are suspected of having a communicable disease and contact the owner.
3 I further understand and agree that in admitting my dog(s) to the dog day-care centre, the staff at the centre have relied on my representation that my dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behaviour towards any person or any other dog.
4 I understand that my dog(s) will be playing in open areas with other dog(s) and accept that when dogs play in groups, they will get dirty, and nicks and scratches may occur, as well as any other inherent risks that are involved. I hereby release the centre of any liability in the event of these or any similar incidents. I further understand and agree that the centre staff and volunteers will not be liable for any problems which may arise due to such.
5 I further understand and agree that any problems which develop with my dog(s) will be treated as deemed necessary by the centre staff and volunteers, at their sole discretion, and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved the centre decides to obtain medical treatment.
6 I accept that if my dog causes any excessive damage to the facility that I will be responsible to pay for repairs.
7 I understand that if my dog is not neutered by 6 months of age, they will not be able to come to Bow Wow.
8 I further understand that if my dog shows any signs of aggression towards other dogs, that their acceptance into day-care will be re-evaluated. They will be given between 1 and 3 chances, depending on the situation surrounding the aggression before they are forbidden to participate in day-care. Bow Wow will isolate dogs which are aggressive towards dogs and/or staff and contact the owner.
9 Human aggressive dogs, or dogs with fear issues, will not be allowed to stay at the centre. Bow Wow will not accept dogs listed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
10 As a responsible pet owner, I promise to keep my dogs(s) current in vaccinations against Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine adenovirus), Leptospirosis (L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagicae), Canine Parvovirus and other relevant diseases including Kennel Cough plus parasite and worm treatment. The course of vaccination shall have been completed at least two weeks before the first date of day boarding or in accordance with manufacturer instructions.
11 I understand that even though my dog is vaccinated for Kennel Cough there is a chance that Kennel Cough can still be contracted. I agree that I will NOT hold Bow Wow responsible if my dog(s) contracts Kennel Cough. The Kennel Cough vaccine must have been administered at least 5 days prior to your dog(s) entering daycare. If my dog(s) is showing symptoms of Kennel Cough or is suspected to have Kennel Cough, Bow Wow will place dog's into a confined environment, call owners for immediate collection.
In the event of an emergency Bow Wow staff will first attempt to contact the owner, followed by an attempt to contact the emergency contact person listed. The centre may also directly contact the partnership veterinarian (Avonvale Veterinary Centre - Stratford), if the circumstances are deemed such that immediate treatment is necessary.